{"text":"Welcome to Port Richmond High School • Home of the Raiders","delay":"35"}


Here at Port Richmond together:

We care about each other...

We believe in each other... and

We succeed because of each other.

The mission of Port Richmond High
School is to provide all of our students
with individualized challenges,
opportunities, and resources to
become lifelong learners and
productive, responsible citizens.


Professionally dressed Students and Teachers at Virtual Enterprises International
Three drama students
Graduating student with adult

Principal's Message mr. Andrew Greenfield

Welcome to the new Port Richmond High School website. Not only am I the very proud principal of our great school, but I am also a proud graduate of our school.

Port Richmond High School is a comprehensive Community School that empowers students to reach their highest academic potential in a welcoming and nurturing environment...

Photo Album

  • Cover photo of the Raider Pride! album

    Raider Pride!

Video Highlights

Port Richmond HS Virtual School Building Tour


April PTA Meeting

This is a friendly reminder to join us Wednesday, April 2nd at 7:00pm to our PTA Meeting. You could join the meeting in person in room A219 or virtually. The link is provided below if you like to join virtually. Join Zoom Meeting https://nycdoe.zoom.us/j/94411498144?pwd=hwn6kLqjWW3Pa8iegbWcQYaVS76SZk.1 Meeting ID: 944 1149 8144 Passcode: 717372 One tap mobile +16465189805,,94411498144#,,,,*717372# US (New York) +19292056099,,94411498144#,,,,*717372# US (New York) Dial by your location • +1 646 518 9805 US (New York) • +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 944 1149 8144 Passcode: 717372